Thursday, February 25, 2016


Wooden ABC Blocks

We talked yesterday about how important eco-friendly toys are and now...we are doing a giveaway just for you! We are giving away (1) set of our Wooden ABC Blocks! This is a $63 value. Please feel free to share this amazing giveaway on your social media pages!!

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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Know More about Eco-Friendly Toys

Many people are becoming more aware of the environment around them. As a result, they are trying to do their best to make the world a better place to live in. Parents buy children's toys throughout the year, but they barely look at the labels to ascertain whether the playthings they purchase are organic.
If you opt to buy eco-friendly toys for your baby, many toy producers make them from natural materials. Companies such as From The Earth Baby enables you to protect the environment so that the children can have a bright future by offering eco-friendly toys.  Many people may be unaware of the numerous eco-friendly toys there are to pick from.

Why Pick Eco-Toys

  • When you visit an eco-toy store, you will be ecstatic to see the toys that are on sale. Your baby can be an eco-friendly as soon as they enter the world. Environmentally mindful parents can buy their children soft-washable knitted rattles. Every infant loves a soft toy that they can take to bed. A washable soft toy made from organic materials such as cotton is an excellent option. At From The Earth Baby, you can expect to find a broad range of unique toys that your baby will love. Organic baby toys have a touch of simplicity that allows a child to develop their creative skills. They also enhance the baby’s fine motor skills.
  • A child learns through play since they improve their hand to eye co-ordination and apply their thinking skills. They then become inquisitive and playful and at this stage they start appreciating educational and interactive toys. Eco-friendly toys are ideal for this stage since they are not toxic, so they do not harm the baby since they tend to put everything in their mouth.
  • Parents know that they ought to pick playthings that encourage the development of a child and support the learning process. Organic toys such as wooden blocks allow a kid to keep themselves occupied for a period. Give a baby a set of such toys and within a short time they discover how to stack them up in a tower. Eco-friendly toys such as puzzles can also strengthen the cognitive ability of a baby. Many children need to let off a lot of steam during the day so you can allow them to enjoy pretend playing with our eco-friendly toys, and they will be tired soon.

Organically produced toys can play a significant role in making the world a pleasant place for you to bring up your baby. With all these benefits, these natural baby products are fun to play with. The child can explore the different aspects of the world safely, so you do not have to worry when their playtime comes.